Posts Tagged “iOS”

YABC has been renamed: Desktop Astro Clock v1.4

YABC has been renamed: Desktop Astro Clock v1.4

Now on the Apple App Store: What’s new in version 1.4 Description Desktop Astro Clock (formally known as: yabc – Yet Another Bedside Clock). This is a clock app that is designed to be run at the desktop, bedside or near a star map. It will display the time without turning off until the…

YABC app v1.0 is now up on the Apple App Store

YABC app v1.0 is now up on the Apple App Store

yabc – Yet Another Bedside Clock. This is a clock app that is designed to be run at the bedside or near a star map. It will display the time without turning off until the battery percentage drops below a user specified value. There are ten predefined, and one user defined display configurations. A single…

WINSystemsInfo v2.0 beta is available

WINSystemsInfo v2.0 beta is available

I am in the process of creating a new WINSystemsInfo iOS app. This will be re-written from scratch in Swift v3 and will run on iOS v10+ systems. To be invited to the beta, please submit a ticket at my BCI Helpdesk – I’ll need your Apple ID to issue the invitation.

HorseRacePics v1.0.2

HorseRacePics v1.0.2

HorseRacePics v1.0.2 App store link: Description Here is your pocket reference to all the thoroughbred horse race handicapping data and handicapping algorithm performance statistics that Horse Race Advantage provides on its website, in a simple to use, and easily digestible format. All races, all tracks, every racing day! Thoroughbred races at all major tracks in…

WinSystemInfo v1.2.1

WinSystemInfo v1.2.1

WinSystemInfo v1.2.1 App store link: Description WINSystemInfo is a utility designed specifically for users of the HAM Radio Western Intertie Network and IRLP repeater users. Repeater lists: – By Service Area – By Distance from iOS device (if location services are permitted) – My List is a list you can define. Remove Repeaters, Set…

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